Worship services at St. John's are at 9:30am every Sunday, or online on YouTube. All are welcome.
Morning Prayer is held in the chapel or on Facebook Live Monday - Thursday at 9:15am. All are welcome.
Find our previous services of worship and Morning Prayer on our Facebook page.
Our Ministries are some of the most important things that keep St. John's alive and well. Especially our music and quilting ministries, which are woven into the fabric and are an integral part of St. John's. Please see the "Ministries" tab for more information.
Please take a look at our "Events" page for updated information on upcoming events and special services.

Cursillo is a movement of the church. Its purpose is to help those in the church better
understand their individual callings to be Christian Leaders in their secular lives, and
within the Church environment. Cursillo teaches all of us the need to be aware that we
can exert a positive influence on those around us.
The goal of Cursillo is the goal of the Church: to bring all to Christ. This is done when
informed, trained leaders set out with the support of others having a similar
commitment. Cursillo helps to renew and deepen Christian commitment. Cursillo is one
of many renewal movements. Many people who have attended a 3-Day Weekend have
said Cursillo provides an important learning experience, which causes many to feel like
newly made Christians, with a purpose and with support.
The focus of the Cursillo ministry is the empowerment of clergy and lay people to carry
out the mission of "The Jesus Movement" in the Church and especially in the
world. Monarch Cursillo is a diverse body of believers, who are committed to seeking
together, in charity, to better live in the way of Jesus by the power of the Holy Spirit. We
welcome anyone who shares that commitment or desires to explore such a commitment
regardless of political conviction, race, ethnicity, or sexual orientation. Cursillo is led by
a Lay Director, Spiritual Director, and team of lay and clergy representatives known as
"The Secretariat". All serve under the guidance and direction of Bishop, Matthew
St. John’s has a dedicated group of Cursillistas (people who have attended Cursillo),
who serve in many different ministries within the church and the community. Bob
Cleworth, who attended Cursillo in 2004, is the Parish Representative for St. John’s and
has served on the Secretariat several times, has led two Weekends and served on
many others and is a past Lay Director for the Movement. Personally speaking, my
Cursillo experience changed my life and brought me closer to God and my church
family. I believe the others from St. John’s who have attended, not only benefited
themselves, but became much more active members of our congregation, furthering the
mission of St. John’s in our community.
If you need more information about Cursillo, or are considering attending a Weekend,
please talk to Bob or any of the other parishioners who have attended. Or visit the
Monarch Cursillo website for more detailed information.
Bob Cleworth
Monarch Cursillo Parish Representative

What is a Columbarium?
A Columbarium is a place set aside to provide a resting place for the cremated remains of deceased members of the parish family.
St. John's Columbarium is located on the north side of the Church building. There are three sections with fourteen niches in each section. Each niche holds two cremated remains.
What is the Church's position on cremation?
In the liturgy for Ash Wednesday in the Book of Common Prayer we are reminded to "Remember that you are dust, and to dust you shall return."
God created our human bodies and breathed His life in to us so that we may live our lives knowing the joy of His love for us. When this earthly life is over, we hold dear the assurance that our spirits will live forever in God's infinite presence, while this mortal shell, no longer needed, is shed to return to the earth. Therefore the Church acknowledges cremation and interment within a columbarium to be a dignified, Christian alternative to burial.
Who may be interred in St. John's Columbarium?
Any baptized communicant members of the Church of St. John the Evangelist in good standing, or their immediate family shall be eligible to be buried in the Columbarium. Any other person desiring to be buried in the Columbarium may petition the Rector, Wardens, and Vestry of the Church of St. John the Evangelist for interment.